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Here is a poster for our event

Following the success of our first event in November we would like to announce our second event which is being presented by IBM.

Do you wonder how the world of IT is going to change over the next two, five and ten years?

Every year for more than a quarter of a century, IBM’s research division has conducted a study they call the Global Technology Outlook.  It’s their Research team’s vision of the future for information technology, synthesising enormous insight from academia, their partners and, of course, their clients around the world. And, it’s what drives IBM’s $6B investment in R&D each year.
The Global Technology Outlook provides one comprehensive overview of advances in technology – but it’s much more than raw technology. It’s a view into how new technologies can be applied in the marketplace, and how they are expected to change and create new industries and businesses in the process. Its these same industries and businesses that members of the London Graduate Development Community may well work in, shape and lead.
About the Presenter:
Rob Nicholson is a Senior Technical Staff Member working at IBM’s Hursley Park development campus. Currently he is working in the Language Technology group on an implementation of the PHP language which runs on a Java Virtual Machine.  He holds the title of “IBM Master Inventor” for a sustained record of invention with over 40 patents across storage, micro-electronics, business processes, and a few in software. During his career, Rob has worked in many areas of development across IBM’s Hardware, Software and Research divisions.  He has a passion for technology and loves to present and discuss the GTO because he finds the glimpses of the future inspiring and exciting.

Spaces are limited, to register for the event and confirm your free space please visit our official site:

We hope to see you on the night!


Barry Cranford

What is the GDC?

The GDC, or Graduate Development Community is an independent community of undergraduate software developers. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the worlds of Academia and Business. We organise and host presentations and events with senior members of the development community as well as offering advice, guidance, internships and jobs through our community site.